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Free Intro Talk - Online

The first step in learning to meditate is to attend a free, one-hour Introduction to Vedic Meditation talk.

During this 45-60 minute online (via zoom) call, you'll meet Krista and find out about how Vedic Meditation works and why it's different to other forms of meditation. You’ll also find out if Krista is the teacher for you too.

Krista will talk about the benefits you can expect through regular practice and share her journey, what led her to Vedic Meditation and her motivations for teaching this ancient and profound technique.

There’s no obligation to learn by attending an Intro talk; however, it is a pre-requisite if you wish to join the four-day beginners’ course.


  • What Vedic Meditation is and how it works

  • What stress is and how it impacts our physiology

  • The benefits of the technique and how it can help uncover your true potential

  • How the course is structured

Every Wednesday online, 7 pm.

4 August

Urban rounding immersion

22 August

Learn to Meditate - Busselton