Learn to Meditate

Beginners Course

The first step in learning to meditate is to attend a free, one-hour Introduction to Vedic Meditation talk.

During this 45-60 minute online (via zoom) call, you'll meet Krista and find out about how Vedic Meditation works and why it's different to other forms of meditation. You’ll also find out if Krista is the teacher for you too.

Krista will talk about the benefits you can expect through regular practice and share her journey, what led her to Vedic Meditation and her motivations for teaching this ancient and profound technique.

There’s no obligation to learn by attending an Intro talk; however, it is a pre-requisite if you wish to join the four-day beginners’ course.

Free Intro Talk

We’ll explore:

  • What Vedic Meditation is and how it works

  • What stress is and how it impacts our physiology

  • The benefits of the technique and how it can help uncover your true potential

  • How the course is structured

VM Beginners Course Details

The course* consists of 60/90-minute sessions over four consecutive days where you’ll receive personalised instruction in Vedic Meditation.

Your practice of the technique will be complemented with in-depth knowledge, giving you an opportunity to practice and gain a comprehensive understanding of the;

  • Mechanics of the technique

  • Mind-body connection and cycle of stress release

  • Experiences you may have and how to integrate meditation into your daily life

All four sessions must be attended, as knowledge is delivered each day sequentially.

*Private courses are available for those who wish to learn in the convenience of their own home or according to their schedule or for those who wish to learn as a shared, intimate experience as a family, couple or group.

  • 60-min private 1:1 session

    You'll receive your individual mantra and have your first experience of the deep meditative state effortlessly achieved by Vedic Meditation.

  • 90-min session

    Unlock the power of your mantra, making meditation easy and effortless. The session ends with a group meditation and a chat about experiences. 

  • 90-min session

    Refine your technique further to facilitate more profound, blissful meditations. You will also learn about the process of stress release. The session ends with a group meditation and a chat about experiences.

  • 90-min session

    Learn to schedule meditations even on your busiest of days and putting the steps in place to make meditation a twice-a-day habit.

Course Schedule


A one-off fee that covers the course and the follow-up mentioned above applies should you wish to learn to meditate after attending a free Introduction talk.

  • Adults - from $750 depending on location*

  • Full-time University students, military and retirees - $450*

  • High School Student (12-18 yrs) - $300*

* I offer flexible payment plans so if you would like this option please get in touch.


Private 1:1 courses are also available at a cost of $1100; however, if you would like private family, couple or friend courses, please get in contact.  A group discount is available for this type of course.

Children’s Technique

Vedic Meditation for kids is an eyes-open practice for the child whenever the feel like it; regardless of whether they are happy, sad or anxious or what they’re doing. This special technique is taught during a one-hour session and can assist in dealing with the unique demands being placed on children.



  • Children of 4-11 years of age (children 12+ are eligible to learn the eyes-closed adult meditation technique)

  • At least one parent must have learned Vedic Meditation

  • The child must be open to learning.

    The courses for under 12 years when learning the eyes open practice are free, with the contribution consisting of a piece of the child's original artwork.

Contact Krista for pricing for older children.